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Letting Go of Resentment When It Feels Like All the Pressure Is on You


Professional woman at peace

As someone who is used to “doing it all”, it’s not uncommon for that quiet weight to slowly get heavier and heavier, while others around remain blissfully unaware. When you’re doing everything for everyone, but no one seems to notice just how much you’re carrying. You wake up early, go to bed late, and in between, you’re trying to manage every single moving part of your life and business.

You feel like you're constantly spinning plates, trying to keep everything from crashing down. But no matter how much you do, it feels like it's never enough, and the weight of it all keeps piling up."

If you’re nodding along right now, know that you’re not alone. 

It’s a feeling I see so often in other moms and entrepreneurs I coach. We’re burning out not just because of our busy schedules, but because of a silent emotion we don’t talk about enough: resentment. And until we recognize it, it keeps us stuck, holding us back in both our personal and professional lives.

In this post, I’ll share actionable strategies to help you identify this feeling and set healthy boundaries, so you can reclaim your time and bring love back into your life and relationships.

Resentment Is A Silent Killer

Resentment is tricky because it doesn’t hit you all at once. It builds slowly, unnoticed, until one day, you’re snapping at your partner for not washing the dishes after letting them pile up for 3  days to see if they “get the idea”. 

Resentment is a silent killer — just like in scary movies when there’s that feeling of creeping dread and you know something’s coming, but don’t know when until it’s too late.

What’s really happening is that you’ve been carrying the weight of unmet expectations, lack of support, and feeling unappreciated for too long.

For moms leading businesses, this feeling often comes from the blurred lines between home and work life. You’re expected to show up 100% for your business, your team, and your clients, all while still being the one who handles everything at home.

Identifying and Releasing Resentment

Professional woman getting ready

So, how do you move past resentment and regain your energy and focus? 

The first step is to identify it.

Pay attention to when you feel a sense of frustration or bitterness towards people or situations in your life: Is it your partner for not helping enough at home? A team member who missed another deadline? Or maybe it's the business itself for requiring so much of your time?

Once you’re able to acknowledge the resentment and uncover where it stems from, then the next step is to incorporate habits to help release it. Here’s how to start: 

Set Clear Boundaries:

It's important to set small boundaries that allow you to feel a sense of control.

Start with one area where you can say no or delegate, whether it’s time, responsibility or even emotional-related. Write them down if you need a reminder to help you stick to them (there are boundary journals, if you’re anything like me and need to write things down). This will help to lighten your load and create some personal space for your overall well being and ability to lead.

Communicate Your Needs Clearly:

Often, we think others should know what we need without saying a word. I see this a lot with the women who come into The Freedom Collective — unspoken expectations that led them to seek others who have been there and the support to reassure they’re not crazy for wanting it to change.

You have to communicate those expectations clearly, or you’ll keep setting yourself up for disappointment (or end up looking like a huge bitch, let’s be honest). Be transparent about what you need, whether it’s support at home or understanding from your team. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, voice it.

Evaluate Your Load:

Sometimes, we carry too much without realizing it, but you need to know what areas you can let others help you with. This is such a critical part of avoiding burnout.

"When you refuse to delegate or ask for help, 

you're telling yourself that you need to do it all.”

Take a step back to assess what truly needs your attention. Then start handing these things out to others like Oprah, “You get a duty! You get a duty! Seriously, take all the duties!”

Delegation isn’t just about business, either. It’s about asking for help at home, too. You can’t do everything, and it’s okay to let some things go.

Take Time for Self-Care:

Resentment often builds when we neglect our own needs. 

You can’t pour from an empty cup…Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Schedule time for yourself, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day. 

Ready to Release It?

Resentment can feel like you're stuck in a loop, but once you learn to recognize and address it, you free up so much energy. When you’re no longer carrying the weight of unspoken frustrations, you’re able to show up as a more effective leader, a more present parent, and a more fulfilled person.

You can finally breathe and focus on what truly matters.

In the Freedom Collective, we understand the challenges that come with balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, especially when resentment starts to creep in. Together, we can navigate these feelings and find effective solutions - Apply here to make 2025 the year you regain your time and freedom.


Spinning around with the same problems time and time again?  Dealing with everything feeling urgent and like you are treading water?

Get a free evaluation of your current business to give you the 3 biggest changes you need to increase efficiency, sustainability and profitability for more freedom and flexibility. 

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©2023 by Kelsea Koenreich 

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