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Is Your Fear Limiting Your Ability to Lead?

Kelsea Koenreich

The fear of making people upset is limiting your ability to lead.

As a woman with eyes and ears on you it’s your duty to call people forward.

People pleasing is holding you, and them, back from potential that is ready to be unleashed.

I’ve never worked with a powerful woman that wasn’t experiencing a form of people pleasing from past conditioning.

People pleasing as a business owner looks like....

  • Lack of boundaries around your time or energy, feeling like you have to always be “on” and answer as quickly as possible.

  • Fear of raising your prices or creating changes that are better for the future of the company because you don’t want to leave people behind.

  • Keeping employees that aren’t a good fit for too long, tolerating work ethic or practices that aren’t in alignment with your company's mission.

  • Sacrificing your own mental/physical well being to take on more than you want to out of fear of falling behind or not being seen as the hardest worker in the room.

  • Micromanaging and refusing to let go of tasks instead of communicating that you need something done differently.

Not having hard conversations because you’re afraid of what may happen, or don’t want the discomfort isn’t fair to you or them.

Settling for less than you deserve, or allowing the people around you to settle without inviting them to rise higher is a disservice.

If you want to reach the potential that you have as a woman, leader and business owner you have to learn how to speak up and clearly ask for what you want.

Here’s a technique I teach my clients to have conversations that get results.

You start by congratulating or celebrating the person you are speaking to - opening with positive and truthful validation so they feel accepted and open.

You then state the problem, ask, boundary or whatever it is that needs to be done differently.

And then you give them very clear solutions or direction on exactly what you want.

You close the conversation by uplifting them, a reminder of what they can rise to and your belief in their abilities or what they've done well.

You aren’t sugarcoating, you are being honest and direct.

Move into your seat of power and understand that when you call someone to a higher standard, even if they get upset, your intent is to create something (or someone) better.

The more you can learn to lead, set boundaries, and clearly ask for what you want - the more you start getting what you actually want out of life and business.

Learn more about working with Kelsea and her story here.


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©2023 by Kelsea Koenreich 

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