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How to Raise Your Prices Confidently and Sustainably

Kelsea Koenreich

Professional Woman

Most people won’t say this outright, but I will: one of the biggest reasons for my success is because I charge high-ticket prices. 

Yes, you read that right.

Pricing is a crucial factor in building wealth.

People want to skirt around the subject of money and pricing.

And that's part of the problem. 

At the end of the day, the way that you make more money is you do one of two things (or both): 

You either work more or you charge more.


You work more AND you charge more.

There’s no other equation that works. It’s simple math.

And while there are tactics, strategies, and mindset shifts that support sustained growth, if your prices don’t align with your value, you're holding yourself back. Keep reading to learn why women hesitate to raise their prices, how this is holding you back, and how to confidently start charging what you're worth.

The Reasons We Don’t Raise Our Prices

1. FEAR OF REJECTION At some point in our business, somebody said we were too expensive.

In business, we hear the word, “no” a lot and we become accustomed to putting ourselves out there in the likelihood that some people will not work with us.

As people, we want people to like us. 

So we end up not changing our prices because we are afraid of being rejected. 


Another reason many entrepreneurs hesitate to raise their prices? Overwhelming feeling of imposter syndrome; the sense that they’re not “worthy” of charging more. 

This mindset tells us that we need to hit some imaginary milestone or perfect a skill before we’re “ready” to raise our rates.

Those sorts of thoughts that tell you that you're not enough, like: “Who am I to charge that much?” are the thoughts that keep you smaller for a longer period of time.


Society often conditions us (especially women and women of color) to prioritize nurturing, over-delivering, and being accommodating over ambition and assertiveness. For many, this is reinforced by personal experiences and messages absorbed from family, caregivers, or even clients.

One client of mine shared that her parents would remind her, “Because of the color of your skin, you will have to work harder.”

These messages that we receive externally from the outside deeply influences our beliefs around self-worth and success.

Why You Need to Increase Your Prices

You’re Compromising Your Energy and Quality of Service

As a mom entrepreneur, your time is precious, and undercharging leads to burnout.

It's very easy to live with the idea of, “If I charge less, I can serve more people”. But, that's a lie because if you serve more people, you have to create something that is more accessible to you and your time. At a certain point, your quality will start to suffer.

In the beginning days of my fitness business, I had a roster of 60 clients at one point. As I grew, I realized the level that I prefer to serve to, where I serve best, is a deeper level.

Meaning I'm not going to have a hundred private clients or a hundred people in my mastermind.

Charging a higher rate sets a standard and filters in clients who are truly ready for the change you can provide. 

You’re Limiting Your Income Potential

When you keep prices low, you either have to work more to make up the difference or accept a limited income. That’s exhausting, and it prevents you from scaling in a sustainable way. 

When you raise your prices, you’re creating space for growth and opening up new possibilities. It’s about setting yourself up to thrive, not survive.

You Attract Clients Who Don’t Fully Commit

Lower prices often attract clients who aren’t fully invested in the process. They’re looking for a deal, not the experience or really even the outcome of the experience. 

What you really want is to build partnerships based on trust and value, which leads to better results and a stronger reputation for your brand.

When clients pay a higher rate, they come in with a strong commitment and respect for your work. Higher prices create mutual respect and attract clients who are ready to invest in their own growth.

How to Raise Your Prices Confidently and Sustainably

We understand why we tend to hold back from raising our prices – and why it’s essential to push past these limiting factors – butt how do we actually do it without crawling back into a hole or feeling gross about it?

There IS a way to raise your prices that feels ethical, balanced, and sustainable.

Assess Your Offer and Value

Think about areas in your offers where you may be over-delivering and whether you’d like to restructure your packages, whether to bring in more value for the cost or limit how many people can have it. 

“Your pricing should honor the level of service you bring.”

When your prices match your value, you protect your energy and give clients your best without feeling drained.

Find Your Price to Comfort Balance

There's a really good balance of what our central nervous system is prepared for based on stretching ourselves to a level of discomfort that is not so big that we will back out.

You don’t want to make the jump so high that it leaves both you and your potential clients in shock. 

I experienced this firsthand when a business coach I loved working with suddenly doubled her rates from $2,500 to $5,000 per month. It was such a jolt to me to double the pricing that I just couldn't justify it. 

If she would have raised it to maybe $3000 a month, maybe even $3500, that would have felt manageable because my profits have increased, I know that she's great and I want to stay with her. But because it was so big, it was an instant no for me.

So, when you're considering raising your prices, aim to find that sweet spot where it feels a bit uncomfortable and slightly intimidating, but not so high that it feels unrealistic or unsellable.

Increase At The Right Time Time

How long has it been since you’ve raised your prices, if ever?

You really want to think about the timing in when you do and if it makes sense to you, your value and the type of clients you want to work with. 

For me, I have grown so much personally and professionally. It's been a couple of years since I raised my pricing. And so it's time for me to do that.

That being said, I do plan on increasing my rates. While my private partnership currently has a waitlist, if you know you have bigger potential for revenue gain and impact and you are ambitious and committed when it comes to reaching your goals, look into applying for my mastermind. It’s 12 months of high-touch partnership alongside other women and mothers and also includes the 4-night retreat!

Stand in Your Pricing with Confidence

Raising prices is about believing in the value you bring and standing by it. 

Find that threshold where the new rate feels slightly uncomfortable, but manageable enough that you can stand by it confidently. 

Allow yourself to see, “Okay, I am worthy of charging this and I am getting client results and this feels safe to charge this much.”

As you grow more accustomed to this new level, you’ll reinforce your confidence and see your value reflected in your clients’ results.

Avoid Discounting

Lastly, avoid the temptation to discount your services. 

Discounting often stems from a scarcity mindset, which can lead to resentment if you take on clients at a lower rate out of desperation rather than alignment. If someone pushes back on your rates, consider offering a different package that aligns with their budget instead of reducing your value.

Pricing is a reflection of the impact you’re capable of making. 

It’s also about creating a sustainable business that respects your time, energy, and expertise. 

By aligning your prices with the value you deliver, you attract clients who are truly invested and ready for transformation, empowering you to deliver your best work without burnout. 

We do this and more inside The Freedom Collective - Apply if you’re ready.


Spinning around with the same problems time and time again?  Dealing with everything feeling urgent and like you are treading water?

Get a free evaluation of your current business to give you the 3 biggest changes you need to increase efficiency, sustainability and profitability for more freedom and flexibility. 

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©2023 by Kelsea Koenreich 

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