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7 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Success as a CEO or Founder

Kelsea Koenreich

Building a legacy requires dedication, but true success lies not just in pushing through but being able to step out and get a full overview of what’s really happening.

Too many women are leading their businesses with ambition and losing sight of the long-term.

In this week's video, I’m talking about the seven specific habits that may be hindering your journey to greatness as a CEO or founder. 


Take action on these 7 steps, one at a time, and witness not just a thriving business but a happier home and a more peaceful life.


Click play and let's create a roadmap to peace and presence in your alongside your thriving business.

Spinning around with the same problems time and time again?  Dealing with everything feeling urgent and like you are treading water?

Get a free evaluation of your current business to give you the 3 biggest changes you need to increase efficiency, sustainability and profitability for more freedom and flexibility. 

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©2023 by Kelsea Koenreich 

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